Wednesday, March 15, 2023

List of Allowed Foods on a Detox Diet.

List of Allowed Foods on a Detox Diet.

This is a detox diet menu for a day.

After rising

* 1/2 lemon got into a glass of warm water
* 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseeds in a glass of water


* breakfast smoothie made with pear, rice milk and rice protein powder
* supplements: L-ascorbic acid


* squeezed apple weakened with water
* water
* vegetable stock
* celery sticks and hummus

* stout vegetable soup settled on with vegetable stock and your selection of vegetables
* steamed broccoli with sesame seeds and beets sprinkled with lemon juice on earthy colored rice
* fruit purée
* supplements: multivitamin


* carrot sticks with hummus plunge
* water
* supplements: milk thorn

* curried lentils on quinoa
* salad with blended greens, red peppers, artichokes and fledglings sprinkled with salad dressing of garlic, lemon juice and olive oil
* vegetable stock

Prior to bed

* 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseeds in a glass of water

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